Chief: and of course Timothy Stultz...Maxwell Majeck

Erika Ann: It all goes back to theatre. We did "Mary Poppins" at another theatre. I was thirteen. Then I saw him at the Max auditions. We read together. They pretty much had him picked from the first round of auditions. So we did the lines together and it worked. Heīs great to work with and heīs so funny. Thereīs pictures on-line with us doing dance moves.

Chief: Yes! I was going to ask you about that. Because Iīve seen those pix. It looked like you were raising the roof.

Erika Ann: No, we were doing mime moves. He always showed up to set in pajamas. I though that was cool.

Chief: How early did you shoot?

Erika Ann: About 6AM.

Chief: See, he just got out of bed.

Erika Ann: Me too.

Chief: Oh sure, youīre the professional one.

Chief: What was it like working for Kevin Summerfield?

Erika Ann: Great, he told you exactly what he wanted. And we got it done. We didnīt have many rehearsals. Just three read-throughs, but we got it done together. Plus, he got really good food.

Chief: Thatīs a plus.

Chief: You mentioned a little about the make-up effects. You probably didnīt spend allot of time in the make-up chair, did you?

Erika Ann: It took up to and hour to 90 minutes to apply the ears. The thing is you just canīt rip them off when youīre done. They had to "scrape" it. It sometimes hurt, because it got in my hair. I had glue stuck around my ears an in my hair for about a week. No matter how many times you showered, it came off when it wanted to.

I remember one location. I went to a public restroom in full costume. A lady came out and screamed. I donīt know who was more scared.

Chief: We had a girl on our set playing a blue skinned alien. She had to enter a library. So the kids there were like...HUH?!

Erika Ann: That will get some looks.

Chief: The make-up artists, did you get along with them OK?

Erika Ann: Oh yes. I had my own personal make-up artist. Then they had others to handle all the extras. Thatīs allot of work. With all the ears and war paint. Allot of times we didnīt shoot until 10AM. Some days I was there and didnīt get to film at all. There was so much to get done.

Chief: All elfed up and nowhere to go. Whatīs an elf girl to do.

Chief: Fight/stunt training.

Erika Ann: I took Tae Kwon Do. Made it to a brown belt. Should have kept going. Then I took dance and flagline. For the movie, they taught me to use the fighting stick. It had soft padding all over it. I got to keep one!

Chief: Cool!

Erika Ann: It was easy for me to learn because of my other training and experience. However, Iīd never done a fight scene before. It was fun, I wish I had more fight scenes in Max.

Chief: What was the stunt coordinator like?

Erika Ann: He was great. He also taught Tae Kwon Do. I wish I could do half the stuff he does.

Chief: What time of year did you film? Did you battle the elements?

Erika Ann: It was May/June.

Chief: So you didnīt battle the elements?

Erika Ann: Not really, but the day we shot the scene where I told Max the story. It was freezing. They would throw blankets on me between takes.

Chief: That happened to me when we shot "Merc Force". The temperature dropped an I wore a t-shirt in the scenes. So between takes I had on a coat.

Erika Ann: When youīre shooting, you tend to forget about it. As soon as they call cut! Pass the blankets.

Chief: And coats

Chief: So tell me, what are your goals (showbiz) for the future?

Erika Ann: Iīm studying to be a Radiation Therapist. Thatīs far from acting. For the biz, I would love to be on Broadway. Also some major motion pictures. Until then, Iīll keep plugging along.

Chief: Oh yes, itīs a tough biz.

Chief: If they were to do another Max, would you come back?

Erika Ann: In a heartbeat! I hope they can get everyone else back. Weīre all getting older.

Chief: I want to pitch an idea to Kevin later on. Itīs called "Max Magician and the Lost Legend". It will be allot darker than the first one. So I hope, if we can do it, it will be widely excepted. I waiting until he finishes his current projects. Then ask if he even wants to do another one. Iīm having trouble writing for everyone. I have a good idea how to write for you. So you will have allot to do. So thatīs why Iīm asking you this.

Erika Ann: Iīll come back in a heartbeat. Tim is taller than me now.

Chief: Ouch, then maybe it can be, "Princess Etain and the Lost Legend".

Erika Ann: Hey...why not :)

Chief: Well I can't thank you enough for being in my corner!

Remember visitors Erika Ann performs often at The Timonium Dinner Theatre. For more information visit...

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